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Full Day Code Seminar

  • IBM Somers Office Complex 294 New York 100 NY, 10589 United States (map)


AIA Westchester + Hudson Valley presents a NYS code update: What's new in the International Building Code and the New York State Supplement (any new/clarified sections in the code).  New York State implementation of the 2015 International Codes began with publication of a Notice of Adoption on April 6th, 2016. This began a 180 day transition period where regulated parties can comply with either the 2010 or newly adopted 2015 codes. On October 3, 2016, the transition period will end, the 2010 codes will sunset, and the newly adopted 2015 I-Codes will formally take effect.  Be prepared before the codes are in full effect. 

Learning Objectives:

Identify how changes to the IBC will affect a building’s allowable area, height and number of stories based on type of construction, occupancy classification, and location on the site

Examine when to use and how to design fire walls, fire barriers, fire partitions, smoke barriers and smoke partitions

Review means of egress requirements, including establishing occupant load, number and width of exits and travel distances

Incorporate changes in the code into future building designs


Jerry R. Tepe, FAIA Owner at JRT-AIA Architect, in Hopkinton, New Hampshire.  

Mr. Tepe is a licensed architect in all the northern New England states. In practice for more than 35 years, he has been both a member and an officer of large engineering and architecture firms and a sole practitioner. His project experience ranges from single-family dwellings to large, multi-million dollar commercial and industrial facilities. As a sole proprietor, his firm provides full architectural services for commercial, institutional and industrial projects specializing in building, fire and accessibility code (ADA) consulting to architects, contractors, insurance and legal professionals and private entities, including third-party plan reviews and accessibility inspections. Mr. Tepe has been active in the code development process through the AIA since actively joining the AIA Codes and Standards Committee in 1987. With the creation of the International Code Council (ICC), he participated in the initial development of the International Building Code on the General/Occupancies subcommittee and was the chair of that group for two years. Mr. Tepe was a member of the International Fire Code Development Committee for six years and the IBC Fire Safety Code Development Committee for three years. Recently he served a term on the ICC Code Correlation Committee. He continues as one representative of the AIA at the ICC hearings and conferences.  He has made numerous presentations to conference audiences on topics related to building code enforcement and interpretation issues. Mr. Tepe has held all AIA offices at both the state level (AIANH) and the regional level (AIA New England). 

SCHEDULE OF EVENTS: Registration and breakfast 8:00am, code seminar 8:30am - 4:30pm(Includes lunch and two 15 min breaks)

LOCATION: IBM Somers Office Complex, 294 Route 100 (Central Services Building "CSB" Auditorium-L), Somers, NY 10589

REGISTRATION: Please register online above: Pre registration for this event, no walk ins.

CES: Program earns 6.5 AIA/HSW CES Credits.

To download the 2016 NYS Uniform Code Supplement Click Here

To download the 2016 NYS Energy Code Supplement Click Here