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To promote the aesthetic, scientific and practical EFFICIENCY of the profession; to advance the science and art of architecture by advancing the standards of architectural education, training and practice

Support Elementary to High School Students | College Students | AIAS Local Chapters | AIAWHV Young Professional

Established to provide leadership development for student, architects and emerging architectural professionals.

> K-12 Programs
> Shadow an Architect Day
> High School Architectural Clubs
> College Scholarships
> Architectural Registration Exam (ARE) Scholarships
> ARE Study Material Give Aways

It is through the generosity of our members, partners, and community that we are able to provide such programs and opportunities. We are fortunate to have a dedicated and strong community of design professionals and partners that generously support our young leaders.

K-12 AIA NYS Program Booklet


What’s the ARE? The Architect Registration Examination® (ARE) is a series of seven (7) exams that assess candidates for their knowledge, skills, and ability to provide the various services required in the practice of architecture.