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Tax Reform for the Architecture Industry

  • 333 Westchester Avenue White Plains, NY 10606 (map)

Tax Reform for the Architecture Industry

Date:  February 14, 2018
Time:  8:00am - 10:00 am
Location:  333 Westchester Avenue
                 White Plains, NY 10606
                 South Entrance (Yellow Pylon)
Cost:  $25.00 AIA Members|Professional Organization Members
           $50.00 Non Members
           Free Associate AIA Members
Credits:  2 AIA CEU
Schedule:  8:00am Registration and Breakfast
                  8:15 - 10:00am Seminar

Trump Administration passed an intricate and complex tax reform bill just before the close of 2017, but what will this mean as we move into 2018?  Anchin assembled a panel of tax professionals from our Architecture, Engineering and Construction Industry Group to address the following key areas:
·      Overview of Law Change Including Rate Changes and Changes to Itemized Deductions
·      20% Pass-Through Deduction
·      Accounting Method Changes
·      Changes in Depreciation
·      Excess Loss Limitation
·      Interest Expense Limitation
·      Changes to Deductibility of M&E

Featured panelists:
·      Phillip M. Ross, Partner & Leader, Architecture, Engineering and Construction Industry Group
·      Paul Gevertzman, Tax Partner, Architecture, Engineering and Construction Industry Group
·      Michael Brennan, Tax Sr Manager Architecture, Engineering and Construction Industry Group
·      Jonathan Kraes, Tax Manager, Architecture, Engineering and Construction Industry Group

Later Event: February 28
An Evening with the Media