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SUMMER SCHOOL Session 4: New York State Building Code

  • Holiday Inn One Holiday Inn Drive Mount Kisco, NY 10549 United States (map)

AIA Westchester + Hudson Valley and AIA Bronx present this years Summer School programs - 7 consecutive Tuesdays in July and August

Session 4a:   Upcoming Code Changes
Session 4b:   Code Collisions - Fire Egress, Life Safety and Security
Date: August 6, 2019
Time: 5:30 – 7:30 pm
Venue: Holiday Inn, Mt. Kisco, NY 10549
Price: $20.00 AIA Member
$15.00 Assoc. AIA Member
$50.00 Non-Members
Credits: 2 AIA HSW, PDH (There will be a $20 fee for mailing a certificate of completion if not picked
up at end of class.)
Presenter:  Erika Krieger, AIA

For a full description of all summer school courses, click here.

COURSE 4A: Upcoming Code Changes

Program Description:

The new Energy Code prepares architects and engineers in New York State to comply with the many new requirements in the NYS Energy Conservation Construction Code and design more energy-efficient buildings in the process.  The course provides critical knowledge about significant changes, new provisions, and best practices to avoid objections and stalled projects, and to maintain strict safety with all new projects.

Learning Objectives:

  • Understand the structure and rationale behind the energy code, and know how to navigate it.

  • Be able to differentiate the various compliance pathways and understand the requirements for compliance on residential projects.

  • Understand the interdependence of the building envelope, mechanical and lighting systems and their impacts on energy consumption.

  • Sharpen communications and coordination with clients, the design team, code officials and the construction team to remove barriers to compliance.

COURSE 4B: Code Collisions - Fire Egress, Life Safety and Security

Program Description:

The goal for this course is for everyone to leave the hazardous areas in the shortest time possible and how the fire egress, life safety and security work together for the welfare of all occupants.

Learning Objectives:

• Understanding the Life Safety Code and how it is a compilation of fire safety requirements for new and existing buildings, and is updated every 3 years by the National Fire Protection Association.

• Understand the goals of life safety, know the key concepts within life safety, understand the requirements of fire separation and barrier, and learn both basic and general life safety requirements such as means of egress, fire resistance rating, and fire protection features.

• Learn about the various types of exit devices and how they meet egress requirements. Understand where and why exit devices are required and how to provide solutions to access and egress problems by properly applying exit devices. Learn to interpret the building codes as they relate to egress requirements.

• Learn what affects the door opening and how to properly select door hardware to comply with the code.