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Land Use and Sustainable Development Conference

  • Judicial Institute 78 North Broadway White Plains, NY, 10603 United States (map)

The Land Use Law Center is pleased to announce the 18th annual Alfred B. DelBello Land Use and Sustainable Development Conference

Date: Thursday, December 5, 2019
Time: 8:00 am Registration and Breakfast
Venue: Judicial Institute, 78 North Broadway, White Plains, NY 10603
Fees: General Admission $165.00
Student/Not for Profit/Government $100.00
NYS Attorneys ( including CLE) $360.00
Credits: 8 AIA PDH HSW


The 18th annual Alfred B. DelBello Land Use and Sustainable Development Conference will be held on Thursday, December 5, 2019. This year’s conference theme will be “Building the Infrastructure for our Sustainable Future.”

Additionally, on Wednesday, December 4th, the Center will host a dinner to allow local leaders and sponsors an opportunity to add to their conference experience and network with conference presenters and to honor our Founder’s Award recipient, Lester D. Steinman, Esq.

For conference updates, follow @LandUseLC on Twitter and join the conversation with #LULCAnnual.

Dinner Ticket Fees:

Per Person: $165.00
Per Table of 10 $ 1,650.00

Conference Registration Fees (includes lunch):

General Admission: $165.00
Student/Not for Profit/Government: $100.00
NYS Attorneys (including CLE): $ 360.00