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Presented by AIA WHV and AIA WHV Architectural Foundation

Common Ground_Flyer-June2021.png

Date: Thursday, June 24, 2021
Time: 6:30 pm-8:30 pm
Cost: Free, registration required
Credits: 1 LU
Location: Toucan 
Event Type: Webinar & Speed Networking 

Join us on Toucan to learn more about the volunteer mentorship program, Common Ground, created to support the local AEC community and allied industries by providing a forum to learn, give back, and share knowledge. After the presentation, connect with other like-minded professionals in our Virtual Speed Networking event. 

Event Schedule 

6:30 PM 5 minutes Welcome

6:35 PM 5 minutes Introductions

6:40 PM 50 minutes Presentation 

7:30 PM 10 minutes Q  & A

7:40 PM  5 minutes Orientation to the Common Ground Mentorship Program

7:45 PM 40 minutes Speed Networking

8:25 PM 5 minutes Closing Comments


Milagros Lecuona, Principal, Lecuona Associates


Ciro Cuono, PE,  Cuono Engineering 

Christina Kissel, Assoc. AIA, Project Manager, RJSA

Matthew Tether, AIA, Calderon Architecture & Design Studio

Sidewalks, drones and the in between

Have you ever stopped to think about the role sidewalks play?  What happens when there is no sidewalk? Who takes ownership and cares for this “in between” space? A vital artery to the interconnections that create a rich and diverse society, yet not likely the first thing that comes to mind.  With the rise of artificial intelligence, drones, and other advance technologies becoming apart of our everyday tool kit, how can they be used towards creating smart growth development and reliant cities.

Join us for a dynamic presentation from Milagros Lecuona, Principal at Lecuona Associates and a longtime leader and advocate for the people of the city she calls home, White Plains. 

The presentation will highlight the relevance of fast growing cities and designing safe, welcoming sidewalks. Milagros will also discuss the process of creating objectives, implementing prototypes, and analyzing the results. 

Orientation to The Common Ground Mentorship Program 

Learn more about the volunteer mentorship program, Common Ground, created to support the local AEC community and allied industries by providing a forum to learn, give back, and share knowledge. The goal is to do this through the use of our collective creativity to help our local communities.

We have designed this volunteer mentorship program with a framework to guide each group of Mentors and Mentees. The framework will enable participants to tailor their communication, interaction, and achievements based on the pair’s determined goals.  A key component of this is a flexible schedule allowing those with limited time the ability to participate. Mentees will have the opportunity to lead the agreed-upon creative collaboration as well as seek advice and listen to guidance from their Mentor.  Mentors will listen, advise, provide constructive feedback, and participate in the agreed-upon creative collaboration.

Speed Networking 

Wrap up the evening by connecting with other like-minded professionals in our Virtual Speed Networking event. Participants will be placed in breakout rooms to causally get to know one another.

About the Speaker

Milagros Lecuona is originally from the Canary Islands, Spain.  After living in several cities around the world, she moved to White Plains where she has been a resident since 1987.  Before coming to the US, Milagros lived in Guadalajara Mexico, where she taught at the School of Architecture ITESO and co-owned an art school.

Milagros holds a BS in architecture from the University of Madrid, Spain, where she majored in urban planning, and dual master’s degrees from Columbia University’s School of International and Public Affairs (SIPA) and the School of Architecture, Preservation and Planning (GSAPP).

During her more than 35 years of professional experience as an architect and an urban planner, she has focused primarily on educational and cultural facilities, health care facilities and laboratories.  She is the principal of Lecuona Design, an award wining architectural design and urban planning consulting firm in White Plains. She has been until recently an assistant adjunct professor at the SUNY Empire State College and at Columbia University at the GSAPP urban planning masters program when her schedule permits. 

She is a board member of the White Plains Historic Society and a 2nd Lieutenant of the White Plains Volunteer Fire Fighters, where she is the chair of the Hope Engine Scholarship Committee.

An avid conservationist, Milagros co-founded White Plains Eco-neighbors and was chair of the Sustainable White Plains Committee, and represents the City at the Long Island Sound Water Inter-Municipal Committee (LISWIC). She is a member of the board of directors at the Center for Sustainable Design in Hastings on Hudson, NY, which focuses on passive house design and green practices for professionals in the field of construction.

 Milagros hosts a radio show on WVOX in New Rochelle called ‘Livable Cities,’ where current relevant local issues affecting the quality of life and the sustainable growth of cities are discussed, as well as creative initiatives in response to these issues.  

 She is a former member of the Westchester County Planning Board, where she contributed to the generation of the plan that was the basis for Westchester 2025, especially regarding the awareness of disaster planning.

Earlier Event: June 23
A.R.E Study Group
Later Event: June 30
A.R.E Study Group