Reimagining the Role of Local Governments
8:00am - 6:30pm
Pace Law School
78 North Broadway
White Plains, NY 10603
The Land Use Law Center is pleased to announce the Center’s 16th annual Alfred B. DelBello Land Use and Sustainable Development Conference. Scheduled for Thursday, December 7, 2017, this year’s conference theme is Reimagining the Role of Local Governments. This year’s event will focus on the ways in which local governments are overcoming challenges and finding solutions that target new ways to plan, regulate, and design communities. The conference will be filled with endless learning opportunities.
We invite you to spend the day at this educational event, with more than 250 attorneys, business professionals, and local leaders in attendance to learn about national, regional, and local innovations, challenges and best practices. As in previous years, the Center will be working with its Conference Board of Advisors—comprising local and national leaders in the field—to develop a conference program that will showcase innovative best practices in land use and sustainable development.
The Center is pleased to announce this year’s morning keynote Geoff Anderson, President and CEO of Smart Growth America. Named by Partners for Livable Communities as “One of the 100 Most Influential Leaders in Sustainable Community Planning and Development,” Mr. Anderson helped to found the smart growth movement as one of the authors of the foundational 10 smart growth principles. With an extensive list of publications, Mr. Anderson has served as an expert witness in front of the U.S. Congress, has been interviewed and cited by the New York Times, Newsweek, The Washington Post, Fox News, NPR, and numerous other outlets and publications.
Also, joining us this year as the luncheon keynote presenter will be Barry Svigals, FAIA, Partner Emeritus, Svigals + Partners, a Connecticut-based architect whose approach brings to life architecture that is uniquely connected to the purpose, place and people for whom it is created and who recognizes that the built environment is the end result of a collaborative process of creative engagement. Most notably Mr. Svigals and his firm are the architectural designers behind the new Sandy Hook School.
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