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R4! Resilient Residential, Retrofit and Reconstruction: Benefits of building beyond code for you, your client and community

  • IBM Learning Center 20 Old Post Road Armonk, NY 10504 United States (map)

R4!  Resilient  Residential,  Retrofit  and  Reconstruction
Benefits  of  building  beyond  code  for  you,  your  client  and community

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Speakers:  Illya  Azaroff,  AIA click here for bio

Date:     September  27,  2018
Time:     5:30  pm -  6:30  pm  Dinner
              6:30  pm - 7:00  pm  Annual Meeting  (Voting  and  By  Law  changes) 
              7:00  pm -  9:00  pm  Seminar
Venue:   IBM  Learning  Center
              20  Old  Post  Road
              Armonk,  NY  10504
CES:       2  AIA  HSW
Fee:       $35  AIA  Members
              $25  Associate  AIA  Members
              $60  Non  members

Architects are being asked to understand where and how to build better in the face of mass migration, population growth, resource stress and associated risks posed by natural disasters and climate risk. The AIA and its members are at the forefront of addressing these issues highlighted by a commitment to the New Urban Agenda that aims to provide quality housing to people and communities around the world. Here in the US, we are coming to grips with the transformation of communities and the way we build to ensure the health, safety and welfare of all. In this seminar, Illya Azaroff, AIA, will take you through a series of housing projects that directly address risk through resilient adaptation, and beyond code building practices. He will introduce several relevant resources covering residential construction and retrofit to achieve resilient building design and benefit to the stake holders.

Learning  Objective  #1:  Attendees  will  gain  an  understanding  of  how  to  recognize Resilient  and  Sustainable  building  methods  that  can  synthesize  and  coexist  to  contribute  to  a  better  holistic  building.   

Learning  Objective  #2:  Learn  where  to  find  and  access  various  resources  &  best
practices  for  use    in  their  own  practice  related  to  resilient  residential  building  and  design  implantation. 

Learning  Objective  #3:  Attendees  will  learn  about  and  Gain  access  to  beyond  code benefits  and  measurable  material  outcomes  along  with  testing  results  illustrating  risk  reduction  measures  for  residential  building  design  and construction.   

Learning  Objective  #4:  Attendees  will  learn  how  to  incorporate  resilient  best  practices  in  existing  residential  retrofit  projects  including  those  in  historic  districts  and  in  at  risk  areas.  

Slate  2019  - to  be  voted  on  by  General  Membership  of  AIAWHV:  

President  Elect - Kim  Miller,  AIA

Treasurer - Teresa  Marboe,  AIA 

Secretary - JC  Calderon,  AIA 

Directors  (3  years  unless  notes) 

o  Eric  Wilson,  AIA
o  Farley  Baker,  AIA
o  Brian  Crowley,  AIA
o  Alison  Spear,  AIA  (2  Year) 
o  Stephen  Tilly,  AIA  (2  year) 
o  John  Cutsumpas,  AIA  (1  Year) 

Associate  Director   

o  Dion  Miller,  Associate  AIA  (3  Year) 

By  Law  Changes - to  be  voted  on  by  General  Membership  of  AIAWHV 

Click here for By Law changes