Join us for a Webinar on Sustainability
Low Embodied Carbon Concrete Policy, Science, and Specifications
by Chris Neidl of Open Air Collective
Date: Wednesday, October 7, 2020
Time: 12:30 pm - 1:30 pm
Price: $10 AIA/Engineers $20 Non Members $5 Associate Members
Credits: 1 AIA HSW PDH
Platform: Zoom Webinar
Concrete is an amazing material which undergirds most modern society, but the way we’ve been doing it needs to change. As the second most-used liquid in the world after water, roughly 1 ton of CO2 goes up into the atmosphere for every 1 ton of concrete poured. Reducing the greenhouse gas emissions of concrete is critical to keeping global temperature rise below the 1.5 degree Centigrade threshold and ensuring a habitable planet. There are exciting opportunities to make concrete part of the climate solution: ways to lower and eliminate greenhouse gas emissions from concrete manufacturing, transportation, setting, and curing as well as readily-available and emerging technologies which enable concrete to be a carbon sponge, sequestering carbon from the atmosphere.
Chris Neidl, a policy leader with the Open Air Collective, will present 'Low Embodied Carbon Concrete Science, Policy, and Specifications' and provide a view into the world of low embodied carbon concrete and related carbon sequestration work. Learn about manufacturers, environmental product declarations and strategic tax incentive frameworks, local and state legislation initiatives - such as NYS Assembly Act A08617- to adopt sustainable concrete into law, how concerned citizens and professionals can participate in the adoption of low embodied carbon concrete standards, and the agile crowd-based operational model that the Open Air Collective embodies as it relates to expediting and effecting change that matters.