Join us for the Second Webinar on Sustainability
Above-Code Standards: Department of Energy Zero Energy Ready Homes
by Terrence Mosley, Sam Rashkin
Date: Thursday, November 19, 2020
Time: 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
Price: $10 AIA/Engineers $20 Non Members $5 Associate Members
Credits: 1 AIA HSW PDH
Platform: Zoom Webinar
The Department of Energy's Zero Energy Ready Homes (ZERH) Program is one of the best-established above-Code-minimum building performance construction protocols. ZERH is unique in that it is established and funded by a public, tax-payer funded entity (the Department of Energy) and available free as a public resource through the ZERH web portal. The ZERH Program has grown out of the well-established Energy Star program, is continuing to broaden its applicability via the recently-launched Multi-family Standard, and has other works-in-process to address current issues such as carbon-neutrality.
Join the webinar to learn more about this comprehensive standard and freely-available tools to achieve it. Learn how it applies not only in the context of climate change and building efficiency but to resilience and future adaptation. Topics include business case and incentive programs for ZERH, the program's well-established building science foundations, benefits to occupant health and the EPA Indoor AirPlus standard, program guidance for optimized mechanical systems including solar systems, resultant gains to HERS ratings, and the potential value of involvement with the ZERH Partner network.