Welcome to the HUB! We need your help.

Dear Architect and Valued Member of AIA Westchester Hudson Valley, 

We've dreamed, envisioned, and constructed our new website with YOU in mind. As the summer unfolds, we'll be tweaking and building the various pages. 

How can you help?

  1. Photos: Do you have projects completing? Our Why Hire an Architect page features a gallery for just that purpose. E-mail photos to Anastasia, our partner in creative web development at anastasia@thevividmark.com and she'll see that your project is highlighted. 

  2. Content: Did you read a great article or attend a seminar that knocked and rocked your socks off? Share it with us, so we can share it with the rest of the AIA network

  3. History of the Chapter: Do you have some interesting knowledge from the life of our Chapter? We have dreams of developing a WHV Chapter History page. 

We hope our new website becomes the resource our chapter has always been for you— a fun experience and a place to continuously accelerate your career.