2021 Candidates for National Office
/2021 AIA Annual Meeting
The AIA 2021 annual meeting will be called to order on June 10, 2021. Find everything delegates will need to participate in the 2021 AIA annual meeting, plus information on accreditation, voting, and candidate speeches.
2021 Candidates for National Office
The deadline for declaring one’s candidacy is 5:00pm ET, Monday, February 15, 2021. Candidates declared by February 15, 2021, are invited to make speeches at AIA Grassroots 2020.
2022-2024 At-large Director (one will be elected)
Alton P. Chow, AIA (AIA Shanghai)
Kevin M. Holland, FAIA, (AIA Los Angeles/AIA California)
Ricardo J. Rodriguez de Santiago, Assoc. AIA (AIA Washington DC)
2022-2023 Treasurer
Timothy C. Hawk, FAIA (AIA Columbus/AIA Ohio)
Heather P. Philip-O’Neal, AIA (AIA New York Chapter/AIA New York)
2022 First Vice President/2023 President-elect
Emily A. Grandstaff-Rice, FAIA (Boston Society of Architects/AIA Massachusetts)
Resolutions for the annual meeting of the Institute at the 2021 AIA Annual Business Meeting are now being accepted by the Resolutions Committee.
Guidelines and forms: 2021 Resolutions, Schedule, and Procedures (PDF) >
Instructions only: 2021 Resolutions Submission Instructions (PDF) >
Forms only: 2021 Resolution Submission Forms for Completion (PDF) >
Pam Day, Hon. AIA
Corporate Secretary & Managing Director, Governance Administration, Executive Office